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Spring House, PA 19477

Do I Need A Cyst Removed or Drained?

Do I Need A Cyst Removed or Drained?

If an uncomfortable, and possibly painful new bump or lump is bothering you, you may be dealing with one of the most common skin conditions – a cyst. Fortunately, most cysts are benign and will eventually clear up on their own. Although many cysts do not pose a serious risk to your safety, there are many types of cysts and underlying causes, so any questionable new growths should always be evaluated by a licensed dermatologist. Although rare, cysts can contain cancerous cells and may be a warning sign of another more serious underlying condition. 

Most cysts are found along the surface of the skin or just beneath it. They can develop when a hair follicle or pore becomes damaged, blocked, or infected, resulting in the formation of a fluid, dead skin cell, or bacteria-filled sac within the skin. If you’re experiencing redness, discomfort, swelling, or if your cyst is interfering with your quality of life in any way, the first step is to speak with a dermatologist in Blue Bell, PA to explore your best options. 

How is a Cyst Removed or Drained? 

You should never try to perform cyst drainage or removal on your own. If a cyst is drained without the proper care, the risk of infection increases significantly. After your dermatologist has evaluated your cyst, they will talk to you about various options for treatment. Some treatment options include:

Cyst Removal: The contents of the cyst and the lining of the sac are surgically removed to prevent the likelihood of recurrence. This usually occurs with a local anesthetic. After the cyst has been removed, your doctor will close the wound with sutures to minimize scarring. The lesions are typically sent to the lab for testing to ensure that there are no malignant cells.

Cyst Drainage: In certain cases or types of cysts, your dermatologist numbs the skin and makes a small incision to drain the contents of the cyst. After the cyst has been drained, the wound is cleaned and may be packed to prevent re-accumulation of its contents. Some cyst drainage procedures will not require sutures, and sometimes an antibiotic is prescribed to prevent infection. Sometimes cyst drainage does not remove the lining of the sac, and it may reform.

Discuss the Best Options With Our Dermatologists

There are so many variables involved in determining if a lesion is injected, drained, or removed surgically. Recommendations for lesion removal will be discussed by our board-certified Philly dermatologist. If the cyst is small and simply a cosmetic issue, a simple incision, and drainage may be right for you. If you’re dealing with a stubborn cyst that is more than just a cosmetic issue, our careful evaluation will get to the root of your problem.