Philadelphia Location

123 Chestnut St.
Suite 300 (entrance on 2nd St.)
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Spring House Location

909 Sumneytown Pike
Suite 105
Spring House, PA 19477

Benefits Of Laser Hair Removal

Benefits Of Laser Hair Removal 

Laser hair removal is effective and has many benefits including getting rid of unwanted hair. Choosing the right technology for laser hair removal is critical to safe and effective treatment. Not all lasers work equally well on all skin types. Choosing the appropriate technology ensures effective hair reduction with limited risks of skin damage. If you are wondering whether or not you are a good candidate for laser hair removal, it’s important to make an appointment for a consultation with the best cosmetic dermatologist in Philadelphia.

Results That Last

Laser hair removal works by destroying the hair follicle at its root. The process consists of an intense beam of light that is absorbed by the pigment in the hair shaft and burns the hair follicles. The damage done to the hair follicle causes it to regrow very slowly or not at all. When the hair does regrow, it’s usually finer in texture and lighter in color, making it less visible.

Many experience permanent hair reduction after multiple sessions (usually 6-8). Some hairs grow back as if they were never touched by a laser, but they are easily addressed with a touch-up visit. The dermatologist can focus the laser on the hairs that have regrown and greatly reduce the odds that they’ll grow back again. What is likely is that you won’t have to deal with large patches of hair regrowth in the areas that have been treated.

Minimal Discomfort

The laser hair removal process is tolerated by most people, with minimal side effects and downtime when done in the hands of a trained professional. If you have sensitive skin or you’re concerned about experiencing pain during the treatment, you can ask about the laser type, cooling mechanisms of the laser as well as post-care concerns.

Short Sessions

The length of a session ultimately depends on the area that’s being treated. However, the laser works quickly, and a session can be as short as 15 minutes for smaller areas like the upper lip and sides of the face. Some areas, such as the legs and torso, will require longer sessions.


Laser hair removal is safe and won’t cause permanent damage when performed by a qualified practitioner in a medical setting. The most common side effects include:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Low-level pain or discomfort

These issues resolve within one to two days, and your skin will return to normal with little intervention. You can also return to your normal skincare and bathing routines shortly after a session.

Stops Ingrown Hairs

Shaving and waxing can cause ingrown hairs that are unsightly and painful. If you have an area of skin that is prone to ingrown hairs, laser hair removal may be right for you. The laser hair removal process damages the follicle and reduces hair growth therefore reducing the chances of ingrown hairs or folliculitis. Laser hair removal can also reduce inflammation caused by other hair removal methods.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation for Laser Hair Removal

At Embrace Dermatology + Aesthetics, we offer laser hair removal services along with cosmetic procedures for all skin types. Our team of dermatologists and aestheticians will discuss your treatment options and expected results. We also offer medical care for most skin conditions. Get in touch with us today to set up an appointment to see our dermatologist in Spring House, PA or in Old City Philadelphia.